Get Recipient type w/PowerShell

Have you ever thought how many recipient types there are in a Hybrid organization? Probably much more than you used to think. Each of us knows several of them, like MailContact, UserMailbox, RemoteUserMailbox, etc. But how things really are?


The Get-PExRecipientType function from my PowerShell Power-EXCH module is an automated solution for the workaround, described in this post written by Alex Rizeanu MSFT. The function needs no EMS and no Exchange/EXO connection. All that you need is ActiveDirectory module to invoke Get-ADUser cmdlet and optionally maybe Get-ADGroup or Get-ADGroupMember.

So, let’s go on a simple example

Get-ADUser $Name | Get-PExRecipientType
Get-ADUser $env:USERNAME | Get-PExRecipientType
Get-ADUser $env:USERNAME | Get-PExRecipientType | Format-List

As you can see, all you need is to pass Active Directory user object through the pipeline. Of course, you can pipeline multiple users.

Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))" | Get-PExRecipientType
Get-ADUser -Filter * | Get-PExRecipientType

Any LDAP query, that returns Active Directory user(s) will work.

Get-ADGroupMember $ADGroup | Get-ADUser | Get-PExRecipientType
Get-ADGroupMember $ADGroup | Get-ADUser | Get-PExRecipientType | Out-GridView -Title 'Recipients report'
Get-ADGroupMember $ADGroup | Get-ADUser | Get-PExRecipientType | Export-Csv .\RecipientsReport.csv -NoTypeInformation

Filter output

The function supports out of box output filtering. It can be useful when you want to get only certain recipients type, with no mailbox for example.

Get-ADGroupMember $ADGroup | Get-ADUser | Get-PExRecipientType -Filter MailEnabled
Get-ADGroupMember $ADGroup | Get-ADUser | Get-PExRecipientType -Filter NoMailbox

The -Filter parameter is positional and may be omitted. The Ctrl + Space Intellisense will help you to select a right value.

Get-ADGroupMember $ADGroup | Get-ADUser | Get-PExRecipientType RemoteOnly
Get-ADGroupMember $ADGroup | Get-ADUser | Get-PExRecipientType OnPremOnly

Of course, you can filter any of the returned object properties by Where-Object clause. The following example will return only members of the group for which RecipientDetails property contains shared string in its name.

Get-ADUser $env:USERNAME | Get-PExRecipientType | Get-Member
Get-ADGroupMember $ADGroup | Get-ADUser | Get-PExRecipientType | Where-Object { $_.RecipientDetails -match 'shared' }

For more details about this function, please take a look at the content-based help and examples.

Get-Command -Module Power-EXCH
Get-Help Get-PExRecipientType -Full
Get-Help Get-PExRecipientType -Parameter Filter
Get-Alias -Definition Get-PExRecipientType

Please feel free to ask your questions in the comments section and to share this post with your colleges.

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